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The Practice of Learning Teams

Learning and improving safety, quality and operational excellence.

Learning Teams from Dr Todd Conklin, PhD, are part of a way of looking at safety, quality and operational excellence differently by a facilitated approach to worker engagement and supporting the empowerment of people to own safety, quality or operational excellence. A Learning Team is notable because it encourages organizations to obtain and consider different perspectives and angles of functional diversity to define a problem in a group context. The different perspectives emerging from a Learning Team group demonstrate that no person holds all the knowledge needed to solve complex problems.

Authors: Brent Sutton, Glynis McCarthy, Brent Robinson, Foreword Dr Todd Conklin
​Published: August 2020
​ISBN: 979-8665374321
​Pages: 260
​Format: Paperback and Kindle Edition
​(c) Learning Teams Inc 2020

4Ds for HOP and Learning Teams

A Practical How To Guide To Learn From Everyday Work, Critical And Dynamic Risks with the 4Ds.
We need to continue to explore better effective ways to manage systems and system changes for the safety and wellbeing of workers and organizational risk resilience. There will always be a need to better understand, learn and improve on unwanted outcomes and events. It is vital that we have other complementary strategies to make the complexity of our systems more transparent by listening to our workers and hear the weak signals amongst all the noise of simply getting the work done. There is a unique opportunity before us, to support workers and allow workers to lead in understanding and managing the adaptability of the work they do every day. And for the organization to support workers by learning from those weak signals and better understand how to continuously learn and improve the systems to aid in everyday successful work. HOP and Learning Teams have reshaped the “find-and-fix” strategy for many organizations to a “find-understand-learn-improve” approach. Everyday learning is a continuation of those core principles. This book is a practical how-to guide to facilitate learning from everyday work using the 4D's (Dumb, Different, Difficult, Dangerous).
Authors: Brent Sutton, Jeffery Lyth, Brent Robinson and Josh Bryant, Foreword Dr Todd Conklin
​Published: June 2023
​ISBN: 979-8358020726
​Pages: 193
​Format: Paperback and Kindle Edition
​(c) Learning Teams Inc 2023

Learning Teams Journal

This reflective journal is your collection of notes, observations, thoughts, and learnings over a period of time. The purpose of this journal is to enhance your learning through the very process of writing and thinking about your experiences. Your journal is personal to you and will reflect your personality and experiences.

Authors: Brent Sutton
​Published: February 2022
​ISBN: 979-8422071111
​Pages: 163
​Format: Paperback and Hardcover
​(c) Learning Teams Inc 2022

HOP Beginners Guide To Doing Safety Differently - Volume 1 - Introduction to HOP

This is Volume One of a series of beginner guides that explore HOP, tools, and integration themes for everyone. This book explores the origins of Human and Organization Performance, the five principles, and ways of applying the principles in your program for safety, quality, and operational excellence. Non-academics wrote this book for non-academics that is not only relatable to people but also creates a call to action, “HOP Into Action®,” which is our safety differently approach to building human capability, capacity, and resilience in all things HOP, using a scaffolded learning approach, which we call CCR® (Capability, Capacity, and Resilience). We will help you to improve your;
  • Capability of HOP knowledge and understanding through this body of knowledge and stories from real people.
  • Capacity to go out into the real world and use the activities in the book to try out the concepts, themes, tools, and approaches to create the link between learning and improving.
  • Resilience as you learn, reflect, and adapt to the challenges you will encounter on your journey, using the learning, reflection and coaching journal in each book.
Authors: Brent Sutton and Bobby Cowger
​Published: February 2024
​ISBN: 979-8878234917
​Pages: 92
​Format: Paperback and Kindle
​(c) Learning Teams Inc 2024

HOP Beginners Guide To Doing Safety Differently - Volume 2 - Human Error

This is Volume Two of a series of beginner guides that explore HOP, tools, and integration themes for everyone. This book explores the origins of human error, its applicability to HOP (Human and Organizational Performance), and the five principles and ways of applying them in your program for safety, quality, and operational excellence.
Authors: Brent Sutton and Foreword by Rob Fisher
​Published: May 2024
​ISBN: 979-8883490728
​Pages: 92
​Format: Paperback
​(c) Learning Teams Inc 2024

HOP Beginners Guide To Doing Safety Differently - Volume 3 - Controls Save Lives

This is Volume Three of a series of beginner guides that explore HOP, tools, and integration themes for everyone. This book explores the origins of the language "Controls Save Lives" within the HOP context and discusses it's application as a principle, value, mindset or practice.
Authors: Brent Sutton, Jeffery Lyth, and Foreword by Todd Conkin
​Published: September 2024
​ISBN: 979-8327264915
​Pages: 70
​Format: Paperback
​(c) Learning Teams Inc 2024

HOP Beginners Guide To Doing Safety Differently - Volume 4 - Learning and Caring From Events

This is Volume Four of a series of beginner guides that explore HOP, tools, and integration themes for everyone. This book explores applying the HOP Principles in learning from events, including the differences between investigations and event learning. How organizations fall into hindsight and blame biases, the role of accountability, responsibility and culpability. We also explore the noble cause of Life-Saving Rules and why the "caring" component and restorative practices are important when learning from why things go wrong.
Authors: Brent Sutton, Cheryl Pocklington, and Foreword by Rob Fisher
​Published: February 2025
​ISBN: 979-8336400533
​Pages: 99
​Format: Paperback
​(c) Learning Teams Inc 2025